China, Cantón Uruguay

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AOQUN Honest Business For Filter Brushes For Ponds

Mr. Kong is a manufacturer of landscape gardening. Recently, he has a project that involves the use of a brush for ornamental fish pond. The density of filter brushes for ponds he bought was half of the sample he checked. Mr Kong’s customer clearly…

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AOQUN Will Let You Know How Much Filter Brushes For Pond Filters To Put In The Filter Tank

Mr. Frank from the United States sent us an inquiry that they are purchasing filter brushes for pond filters for the newly built sewage filter tank. When asked about the quantity, Mr. Frank said, “how many brushes do you usually put in the filter tank?…

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Filter Brushes For Koi Pond That Can Withstand Inspection

In January, Tom from Japan need to purchase filter brushes for koi pond and provide us with detailed dimensions. At the same time, tell us that he will come to our factory for inspection before shipment and ask if we can accept the inspection? Our gold…

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AOQUN Company Will Teach You How to Choose the Diameter of The Filter Brush For Aquariums

Mr. Tan from Beijing once asked us such a question: “what is the diameter of your filter brush for aquariums? How do I choose to use?” Mr. Tan’s question is also the question many customers ask us. We use our professional knowledge to solve the…

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